
Initial work on Keychain

A month ago, I started working on a new application to manage your passwords in Plasma. And while still at a PoC status, this weekend, it finally started to look like something almost usable, so it sounded like a good occassion to write a small blog post about it.

The current name is “Keychain” or “Plasma Keychain” but this is subject to change and suggestions are more than welcome.

My end goal is to provide a more future proof replacement to the ageing KWallet application. From a technical point of view, this is a fork of the internal of KeepassXC with a Kirigami GUI completely written from scratch. This means it uses the standardized Keepass format to store the passwords in the database which is implemented by many applications including on other platforms like Android and iOS (see the list of Keepass port). And while not yet exposed in the GUI, basing the work on top of KeepassXC enables a lot of interesting features not available in KWallet, like Yubikey and PassKey support, password sharing, export and import for various other password database formats, TOTP support and browser integration…

While also providing vital features for the desktop integration like the Freedesktop Secret Service protocol what we also have in KWallet.

Here are some screenshots of the current state.

This is the main view where viewing, adding, editing and removing entries already work.

Main View
Main View

This is the database generator page which unfortunately doesn’t work yet.

Database generator
Database generator

And this is the UI to open an existing database.

Database generator
Database generator

As you can see there is still a lot of work required, so if people are interested to help or to take a look at the current progress, the code is on KDE’s gitlab instance.


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