
Kirigami Addons 0.9.0

It’s time for a new Kirigami Addons release. This new release contains the work of Joshua Goins, Laurent Montel, Thiago Sueto, Volker Krause, Shubham Arora, James Graham, Rishi Kumar and myself. Thanks for contributing!

New features


FormGridContainer makes it possible to make the information exposed with MobileForm more compact by putting multiple small cards in the same row. The number of columns by default is 3 on desktop unless the total number of cards makes it more sensible only to use 2 columns (e.g when there are only 2 or 4 elements).

On mobile the number of columns is reduced to only 2.

This new component was initially made by Rishi Kumar for the info grid that Tokodon, with some further improvement from myself. Here is how this looks with Tokodon.

Info Grid
Info Grid

And the current API:

import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.labs.mobileform 0.1 as MobileForm

MobileForm.FormGridContainer {
    infoCards: [
        MobileForm.FormGridContainer.InfoCard {
            title: "42"
            subtitle: i18nc("@info:Number of Posts", "Posts")
        MobileForm.FormGridContainer.InfoCard {
            title: "42"
        MobileForm.FormGridContainer.InfoCard {
            // Clickable card
            title: "Details"
            action: Kirigami.Action {
                onClicked: pageStack.push("Details.qml")

MobileForm.AboutPage now can contains extra content

Applications can now extend the AboutPage to add extra content to it. This was driven by the need of Itinerary which need to expose the license information about the open data it uses.

About page of itinerary
About page of itinerary

Validor support in MobileForm.FormTextFieldDelegate

Application can now add a Validor to their textfield. This was driven by the need of Keysmith rewrite to use MobileForm.

About new 2fa with Keysmith
About new 2fa with Keysmith

Important bugfixes

The BasicTreeItem component now uses correct spacing between items. This was caused by a regression when adding right to left support to the KirigamiAddons TreeView.

The native Android date/time pickers now works correctly even if multiple instance of it are loaded at the same time.

Shubham and James fixed various bugs with the maximized image and video component which is displayed in NeoChat and Tokodon when viewing media files.


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