
New website for Konsole

Konsole, KDE's terminal emulator got a new website.

Yesterday, got a new website.

Screenshot of the new konsole website

Doesn’t it look nice? As a reminder the old website looked like this.

Screenshot of the old konsole website

The design is very similar to the and websites.

The content could probably still need some improvements, so if you find typos or want to improve the wording of a sentence, please get in touch with KDE Promo. The good news is that you don’t need to be a programmer for this.

Community goal

With Jonathan Riddell, we proposed a new community goal: KDE is All About the Apps.

One part of this goal is to provide a better infrastructure and promotional material for the KDE applications (notice the lowercase a). I think websites are important to let people know about our amazing applications.

So if you are maintaining a KDE applications and want a new shinning website, please contact me. And I will try to setup for you a new websites, following the general design.

Technical details

The new website uses Jekyll to render static html. Because the layout and the design aren’t unique to, I created a special Jekyll located at, so that only the content and some configuration files are located in the websites/konsole-kde-org repository. This make it easier to maintain and will make it easier to change others website in the future without repeating ourself.

This was a bit harder to deploy than I first though, I had problem with installing my Jekyll theme in the docker image, but after the third or fourth try, it worked and then I had an encoding issue, that wasn’t present on my development machine.

Ci konsole website

How can I help?

Help is always welcome, the KDE community develops more than 200 different applications, and even though not all applications need or want a new modern website, there is tons of work to do.

If you are a web developer, you can help in the development of new website or in improving the Jekyll theme. Internalization, localization and accessibility still need to be implemented.

If you are not a web developer, but a web designer, I’m sure there is room for improvement in our theme. And it can be interesting to have small variations across the different websites.

And if you are neither a designer nor a developer, there is still tons of work with writing content and taking good looking screenshots. For the screenshots, you don’t even need to have a good English.

If you have question, you can as always contact me in Mastodon at or with matrix at

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