
Kirigami Addons 0.11.0

Kirigami Addons 0.11.0 is out! This release bring a bunch of new components as well as improving existings one. Since I forgot to write an announcement for the 0.10, I will mention some of the new features of 0.10 too.

This helpful component is similar to Kirigami.InlineMessage and can be used as the footer or header of a page.

Banner component at the top of page
Banner component at the top of page

Delegates (0.10.0)

Kirigami Addons 0.10.0 bring two new list and grid delegates:

  • RoundedItemDelegate: This delegate provides a nice rounded background for items inside a list or grid. Here you can see it in action in Arianna where it is used both in the grid and the sidebar.

Grid rounded delegates and list rounded delegate
Grid rounded delegates and list rounded delegate

  • IndicatorItemDelegate: This component is the perfect list delegate for an inbox where elements can be either marked as read or unread (e.g in an email client).

Merkuro Mail folder view where some emails are marked as read and others are still unread
Merkuro Mail folder view where some emails are marked as read and others are still unread

Avatar (0.10.0)

We moved Kirigami.Avatar from Kirigami to Kirigami Addons. We tweaked a bit the API at the same time, and Avatar is no longer based on the AbstractButton component but is just an Item which can be used for decorative purpose.

In 0.11.0, we additionally introduced AvatarButton which can be used if you need to have an interactable element.

We also updated the look of the placeholder, when no avatar images is found, to be a bit less visually heavy and use a pale color. Fun fact, this is a design I also introduced in Nextcloud a year ago.

New avatar look
New avatar look

MobileForm.FormHeader (0.10.0)

FormCardHeader is now deprecated and we are replacing it with FormHeader. The difference is that FormHeader is placed outside of the cards.

Kirigami Settings (0.11.0)

We moved Kirigami.CategorizedSettings and Kirigami.SettingAction from Kirigami to Kirigami Addons. We used this opportunity to do a visual refresh of the component.

NeoChat settings using both the new Settings and FormHeader component
NeoChat settings using both the new Settings and FormHeader component

Currently the search feature only search inside the title of the categories but in the future, we would like it to also search inside the content the pages.

Floating buttons (0.11.0)

In KF6, for Kirigami we are removing the automatic floating buttons. As a replacement we are adding two new components: FloatingButton and DoubleFloatingButton. These components were extracted from Powerplant, Audiotube and Marknote.

This is how this looks in Powerplant.

Floating button at the bottom right
Floating button at the bottom right

MobileForm is now FormCard (0.11.0)

We decided to rename MobileForm to FormCard since this new layout is also used on other form factors. As part of the renaming we used the opportunity to do some small but welcome change to the api. A lot of boilerplate for the layout is not needed anymore.

diff --git a/src/qml/RoomSettings/Permissions.qml b/src/qml/RoomSettings/Permissions.qml
index 07b8a942..674ee4a5 100644
--- a/src/qml/RoomSettings/Permissions.qml
+++ b/src/qml/RoomSettings/Permissions.qml
-import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.labs.mobileform 0.1 as MobileForm
+import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.formcard 1.0 as FormCard

-Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
+FormCard.FormCardPage {
-    id: root
-    title: i18nc("@title:window", "Notifications")
-    topPadding: 0
-    leftPadding: 0
-    rightPadding: 0
-    ColumnLayout {
-        spacing: 0
-        MobileForm.FormCard {
-            contentItem: ColumnLayout {
-                spacing: 0
-                MobileForm.FormCardHeader {
-                    Layout.fillWidth: true
-                    title: i18n("Room notifications setting")
-                }
-                MobileForm.FormRadioDelegate {
-                    text: i18n("Follow global setting")
-                    onToggled: { ... }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    FormCard.FormHeader {
+        title: i18n("Room notifications setting")
+    }
+    FormCard.FormCard {
+        FormCard.FormRadioDelegate {
+            text: i18n("Follow global setting")
+            onToggled: { ... }
+        }
+    }

The qml import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.labs.mobileform is still here and will remain for the foreseeable future, but please update to the new import name to get all the new improvements.

New About Pages

The look of the about page and the about kde page was also updated, to use the new Avatar and FormCard components.




Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • We fixed various issues with the translations not loading for some components and added some ci checks to ensure that this doesn’t happen in the future.
  • In AlbumMaximizeComponent, we are now using icon name compatible with more xdg-icon-themes
  • The AboutPage now displays more information which were previously not displayed due to some broken checks.
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